Prepare Interactive User’s Manual on Decentralized Composting and Paper on Financing, Up-scaling & Replication of Community-based Solid Waste Management
Preparation of Action Plan for Sanitation and Solid Waste Management for 8 Secondary Towns under STIFPP-II Project
Rural Waste Recycling and Industrial Pollution Mitigation under Eco-villages Ecological Village Development Component of Tangail Infrastructure Development Project (TIDP) Phase-III
Pilot Projects on Solid Waste Management of Environmental Sanitation, Hygiene and Water Supply in Urban Slums and Fringes
Adaptation of Model for Decentralized Solid Waste Management and Composting for Qui Nhon City, Vietnam, Matale City, Sri Lanka
Enriched Compost Demonstration on Different Crops Production in Eco-villages of Tangail under Ecological Village Development Component of Tangail Infrastructure Development Project (TIDP) Phase-III
Implementation of Two CDM projects (landfill gas recovery with power generation and composting of organic waste) in Dhaka, Bangladesh
Preparation of Case Study on the Experience of Waste Concern with Community Based Decentralized Solid Waste Management in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Intervention to Improve Existing Composting Technology of a Local Compost Producer “Annapurna Agro Service” Based at Domar, Nilphamari, Bangladesh
Training Manual on Environment Friendly Poultry Waste Management for Small, Medium Sized Poultry Farm Owners.
Feasibility Study for Employment Generation Activity Through Solid Waste Collection, Composting and Recycling
Capacity Building for Composting Activities under Special Programme for Food Security Project in Chak Singa, Bagha, Rajshahi
Study on Composition of Plastic Waste and Market Assessment of the Plastic Recycling Sector in Dhaka City
Feasibility Study on Scaling-up of Compost Production and Distribution in Rangpur and Dinajpur District of Bangladesh
Technical Support to the Staffs of Better Business to Improve Physical & Environmental Condition of Small and Medium Size Enterprises (SMEs)
Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) Report for CDM Based Compost Project located at Roopganj, Bulta, Dhaka
Technical Advisory Services for the Implementation of the Community based Composting Project in Bangladesh
Development Partnership Program for South Asia: Best Practices for MSWM in South Asia- A Knowledge Product
Assess the Economic and Environmental Impact of Irrigation by Using More Efficient Pumps with Better Installation Technique.
Diagnostic of Biogas Efficiency in Camps and Guidance for Comprehensive and Environmentally Safe Waste and Faecal Sludge Management
Preparation of Sanitation and Drainage Improvement Strategy and Master Plan Project for the City of Chittagong
Consultancy Services for Sanitation and Solid Waste Management under the DDS Consultant, Coastal Towns Environmental Infrastructure Project (CTEIP)
Pilot Project to Create a Scalable Model to Responsibly Manage Solid Waste and Expand Recycling in Argentina and Indonesia
TA-8913 REG: Promoting Urban Climate Change Resilience in Selected Asian Cities – Developing Integrated Urban Development Plans in Selected DMC Cities Incorporating Urban Climate Change Resilience Principles (ADB TA-8913 REG)
Consulting Service to Improve Slaughterhouse Waste Management Using Biogas Technology at Gazipur City Corporation
Preparation for Environmentally Sound Management of Mercury Containing Lighting Sources with a Life-Cycle Approach
3R (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) Pilot Initiative to Reduce the Impact of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) in Dhaka and Chittagong Cities (Phase 1)
Consultancy Services for Solid Waste Management under MDS Consultant of City Region Development Project
Consultancy Services for Solid Waste & Faecal Sludge Management under the MDS Consultant, CRDP Project
Consultancy Services for Landscape and Renovation Work for Savar Residential Campus of BRAC University (sanitation, wastewater, rain water harvesting and solid waste component).
Consulting Services on Non-network Sanitation in Pagla Catchment under the Dhaka Sanitation Improvement Project (DSIP)
Promotion of 3R (Reduce, Reuse & Recycle) Principles in the Solid Waste Management Sector (SWM) in Bangladesh
Study of Feasibility and Preparation of Designs for a Pilot Fecal Sludge Management System in Chattogram City
Pilot Projects on Solid Waste Management of Environmental Sanitation, Hygiene and Water Supply in Urban Slums and Fringes
Dhaka Community-Based Urban Solid Waste Management under Sustainable Environment Management Program (SEMP)