
TA-9590 SRI: Capacity Building for Secondary Towns and Strategic Cities

Client: Asian Development Bank (ADB)  Description of work:  Under this project following activities were being performed: Worked with PMU staff and other consultants to identify the waste management interventions for the project. Identified potential sites for implementation of the solid waste management sub-project. Led technical and socioeconomic analysis and prepared the waste management feasibility study. […]

Prepare Interactive User’s Manual on Decentralized Composting and Paper on Financing, Up-scaling & Replication of Community-based Solid Waste Management

Client United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP), Bangkok, Thailand Description of work: The UNESCAP project on Solid Waste Management, under the supervision of the Chief of the Poverty Reduction Section (Poverty and Development Division), has adapted the innovative community-based composting model of Waste Concern (Bangladesh), and is currently testing […]

Assist Qui Nhon City of Vietnam and Matale city of Sri Lanka in adapting the Waste Concern model of solid waste management including CDM

Client: UN-ESCAP, Bangkok, Thailand Description of work: Prepare detailed work plan for providing advisory services to the two participating towns Visit Qui Nhon City and Matale to prepare pre-feasibility report on community based solid waste management and small-scale CDM projects on waste sector (landfill gas recovery, composting, biomethanantion etc) Assist in developing a preliminary planning […]

Desk Study for Organic Waste Management Project in South Asia

Client    ADB   Description of work:     The desk study investigated options for management of organic wastes in South Asia.   Activities performed: Prepared a technical report on organic waste management for South Asian cities, comprising identification of appropriate waste management options given the specific regional and local contexts of each South Asian country. […]

Pro-poor and Sustainable Solid Waste Management in Secondary Cities and Small Towns

Client    UN-ESCAP   Description of work:     The project was comprised of strategy development as well as pilot interventions for solid waste management to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions from solid waste management.  The following countries were involved: Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and Indonesia.   Activities performed: Provided advice/guidance to the participating towns towards […]

Pro-poor and Sustainable Solid Waste Management in Secondary Cities and Small Towns

Client:  UNESCAP, Thailand  Description of work:    Provide advice/guidance in participating towns in refining and operationallizing Integrated Resource Recovery Center (IRRC) approach. Provide advice/guidance in participating cities on developing town wide strategy on municipal solid waste management based on up-scaling of IRRC, recover capital costs through carbon credits Piloting of  co-composting technology in one city […]

Pro-poor and Sustainable Solid Waste Management in Secondary Cities and Small Towns

Client    UN-ESCAP   Description of work:     Provide advice and technical inputs to the implementation of pilot waste-to-energy projects in Indonesia, and the completion of Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMA) studies in Viet Nam and Sri Lanka.   Activities performed: In order to review and advise on project implementation arrangements, joined a technical assessment […]