
Recycling Training Centre

Recycling training centre at Katchpur, Dhaka:

In order to promote the idea and practice of converting waste into resources, Waste Concern established a Recycling Training Centre at Katchpur, Dhaka. This was formed under the Sustainable Environment Management Programme, which was implemented in 2006 by Bangladesh’s Ministry of Environment and Forests with support from UNDP. Currently, in collaboration with World Wide Recycling B.V. (Netherlands), Waste Concern is establishing a monitoring system for composting linked with carbon emission reductions at the Katchpur centre.

Main Goals

To promote the concept of the 3R principle (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle)
To demonstrate efficient technology and provide hands-on training with respect to:
– Organic waste recycling
– Rain water harvesting
– Solar Power generation
– Eco-sanitation
To introduce a small-scale CDM model for urban waste recycling projects

The Recycling Training Centre at Katchpur contains the following facilities: an aerobic compost plant with a processing capacity of up to 10 tons/day; a conference room; compost enrichment facility; rain water harvesting system; waste water recycling; solar lighting system, and eco-sanitation composting facilities.


WRTC has a 7-tons/day capacity aerobic compost plant, a conference room, a compost enrichment facility, rain water harvesting system, waste water recycling, solar lighting system and eco- sanitation/composting etc. inside the facilitates.

Aerobic Composting


Methane Emission Monitoring

Rain water harvesting


Organic waste recycling through composting



Using a community-based waste collection system, waste is collected from a domestic vegetable market (Karwan Bazaar). The centre has a capacity of processing 7 tons of organic municipal waste on a daily basis. Using the aerobic composting method, there is an emission reduction of 1277.5 tons of carbon dioxide per year. This emission reduction is sold to the international market, while the resulting high-yield, lower-cost organic compost is sold to rural farmers via fertilizer companies.

– Rain water harvesting : 584m3 of rain water per year
– Waste water recycling: 438m3 leachate water per year
– Eco- sanitation: 5.4 tons of human excreta per year
– Solar Power generation: 1095 Kw hr/year

Tangible benefits

The Katchpur Recycling Training Centre produces tangible social, economic, and environmental returns, as the following depiction illustrates:trangible_tablesm

Total tangible benefits

The duration of this pilot project is 15 years. By investing US $1 per beneficiary, we are obtaining environmental and social benefits worth US $ 32.1 (US $ 105.3/US$ 3.28). Please note that US$1 = Bangladesh Taka 69.60.


Key features
