
Safeguarding Policy and Procedure

Waste Concern for twenty-nine years has made the safety of our employees, partners and participants, of principal importance. We pride ourselves in our value to preserve basic human dignity as the core foundation for growth. At Waste Concern we are taking our zero-tolerance on sexual harassment, exploitation, and discrimination further. Using our new Safeguarding Policy and by establishing a reporting channel for prevention, we empower our employees, volunteers and partners to take action without any fear of retribution.

How do we work to avert misconduct from happening in the first place?

Waste Concern strongly believes in prevention as the best course of action. We focus on training and communication of our safeguarding policy to all employees and volunteers that participants may come in contact with. We take pride by aiming to foster an environment that is protective and people are held accountable for their mistakes.

How can Waste Concern employees, volunteers, partners, and any people we work with report cases of any misconduct?

Anyone (including Waste Concern’s partners) can raise an alarm or send a direct complaint to Waste Concern about any misconduct that can hamper the safety of the individual (s), or witness and project (s).

To ensure our safety-first motto, we, at Waste Concern, have designed a four-step safeguarding mechanism. First, a reporting channel is established, top management begins monitoring of the concerned activities, investigation is performed and notated, followed by a strong course of action.

All Safeguarding concerns can be reported directly to Waste Concern. This course of action can be accomplished by one of the established, four distinct, and safe channels.

            1. Using our anonymous web-based form (Download)
            2. An in-person visit to the designated Safeguard person ( Ms. Merina Afrose)
            3. Using the designated electronic hotline:
            4. Calling the designated hotline +88-01771-113762

Waste Concern’s Safeguarding and related Policies

Waste Concern is introducing its new Safeguarding Policy, including policies on the Administration, Discipline, Financial Rules and Procedures, and Code of Conduct. Furthermore, Waste Concern will continue to re-articulate and revise its pledges, and we welcome any recommendations, that will further guide our continued efforts to ensure work place safety of all our employees, participants and partners.

Adapting to a new Normal

In 2020, the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has had a profound global impact on all stakeholders of Waste Concern and affiliates. Since the outbreak has brought about unprecedented changes on the daily lives of our employees, in response, we have created additional protocols for office work, with the safety of our employees and partners first. We provide flexibility of work times, provide hand sanitizers, masks and are understanding of individual needs during this difficult period. Our commitment to deliver best practices is a goal to ensure our and the community’s safely as of primary importance and we continue to revise and update our best-practices in accordance to the World Health Organization and national guidelines.