Barrel Type Composting in Two Slums of Dhaka city
Client: LIFE-UNDP Description of work: Design and implementation of barrel type composting technology in two slums of Dhaka. The assignment also included community mobilization, capacity building of community groups on environmental issues as well as operation and maintenance of composting barrels. Location: Bangladesh No. of person-months provided by Waste Concern: 6 man-months […]
Replication of Barrel Type Composting System in Slums Located in Dhaka City
Client: Probono Service provided to Dushtha Syasthya Kendra (DSK) Tasks Under the Project: Waste Concern will assist DSK to replicate Waste Concern’s Community Based Composting model with necessary technical supports in the slums of Dhaka city. Waste Concern will provide software and hardware trainings on Waste Concern’s model to DSK in mutually agreed dates. […]