
Capacity Building for Composting Activities under Special Programme for Food Security Project in Chak Singa, Bagha, Rajshahi

Client:  FAO Description of work:  The main objectives of the project are to provide following services: Conducting training sessions (compost unit construction, compost process control); Conducting field survey on availability of biomass for composting as well as soil quality; Providing periodical supervisions to ensure quality output; Preparation of following materials: i) Script for capacity building […]

Municipal Services Project, Phase II

Client    Bangladesh Municipal Development Fund (BMDF)   Description of work:     The assignment aimed to ensure effective and efficient identification and implementation of the sub-projects on solid waste management by assisting the BMDF and participating City Corporations and Municipalities.   Activities performed: Identified and prioritized projects for investment by the BMDF/World Bank in the […]

High Level Delegation from 6 City Corporations of Project UPEHSDP Visits Waste Concern’s CDM Based Compost Plant at Bulta, Roopganj

December 1, 2011 High Level Delegation from 6 City Corporations of Project UPEHSDP Visits Waste Concern’s CDM Based Compost Plant at Bulta, Roopganj In Training A team of Government high officials including CEOs from the 6 City Corporations (Barisal, Chittagong, Dhaka, Khulna, Rajshahi, and Sylhet) visited Waste Concern’s Joint Venture Compost plant located at Bulta, Roopganj, […]