Intervention to Improve Existing Composting Technology of a Local Compost Producer “Annapurna Agro Service” Based at Domar, Nilphamari, Bangladesh
Location within country: Dinajpur, Bangladesh Name of client: Winrock International, Business Development Service (BDS). Duration of the Project: September 2004 to December, 2004 Narrative description of project and services provided Assess the facilities, raw material and process analysis of a compost fertilizer producer in the greater Rangpur area; Analysis of raw materials and present […]
Feasibility Study on Scaling-up of Compost Production and Distribution in Rangpur and Dinajpur District of Bangladesh
Location: Rangpur and Dinajpur, Bangladesh Name of Client: Swisscontact-Katalyst Objectives of the Project: The broad goal of this study is to come with two major outputs, one is to get an actual overall picture of raw material supply for composting and demand for compost in the Rangpur and Dinajpur and the other one is to prepare an […]
Municipal Services Project, Phase II
Client Bangladesh Municipal Development Fund (BMDF) Description of work: The assignment aimed to ensure effective and efficient identification and implementation of the sub-projects on solid waste management by assisting the BMDF and participating City Corporations and Municipalities. Activities performed: Identified and prioritized projects for investment by the BMDF/World Bank in the […]
Stakeholder Consultation in Rangpur City on Integrated Solid Waste Management Improvement Project (ISWMIP)
April 3, 2023
Two Day Training of Trainers (TOT) Organized for 6 (six) Municipalities organized by Waste Concern
December 2, 2010 Waste Concern in partnership with Department of Public Health Engineering (DPHE), Government of Bangladesh and UNICEF organized a two day long Training of Trainers (TOT) in Dhaka for 6 (six) selected pourashavas under the ongoing project entitled “Support to Project Pourashava/ Municipalities in Developing their Solid Waste Management Plan with […]