
Rural Waste Recycling and Industrial Pollution Mitigation under Eco-villages Ecological Village Development Component of Tangail Infrastructure Development Project (TIDP) Phase-III

Client: GITEC CONSULTANT, Germany Description of work: Evaluated existing database of five ecological villages with regard to waste and industrial pollution related issues Analyzed and classified different types of waste produced in their villages and the ways of disposal Carried surveys in five villages to identify current waste generation Identified ways and means to reduce […]

Pilot Projects on Solid Waste Management of Environmental Sanitation, Hygiene and Water Supply in Urban Slums and Fringes

Client: UNICEF Dhaka, Bangladesh Description of work: Baseline survey and research on waste generation rates in 14 municipalities ; Development of training manual on community mobilization on solid waste management; Training of local NGOs and municipal staff on proper disposal of waste, recycling and involvement informal sector on waste management; Supervising and providing on-job training […]

Promoting Sustainable & Efficient Waste Recycling Project

Client    Swisscontact-Katalyst   Description of work:     The project was aimed at promotion of sustainable and efficient waste recycling systems in Bangladesh, particularly plastic wastes.   Activities performed: Responsible for promotion of Environmental Management Systems (EMS) amongst the plastic industries. Supported awareness campaign for source separation of plastic. Management of pilot intervention for collection […]

Feasibility Study for Employment Generation Activity Through Solid Waste Collection, Composting and Recycling

Client: UNCHS- UNDP   Description of work:  This study was carried out under the project entitled Local Partnerships for Urban Poverty Reduction Project UNDP/UN-HABITAT/LGED PROJECT BGD/98/006.  The executing agent is the Local Government Division of the Bangladesh Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Cooperatives and the Government implementing agency is the Local Government Engineering […]

Intervention on Promoting Sustainable and Efficient Waste Recycling

Client:  Swisscontact  Description of work:  Creating awareness among plastic pallets’ and goods’ manufacturers for cleaner production by establishing Environmental Management System (EMS) in their facilities. Promoting awareness on source separation of waste to make plastic recyclables cleaner and un-soiled. Demonstrating source-separation of waste by piloting waste segregation activity within a community in DCC area. Providing […]

Waste Recycling in American International School (AISD), in Dhaka

Client:  AISD, Dhaka, Bangladesh  Description of work:    a) Conducted Waste Audit b)Detail architectural and engineering design drawing for the compost plant. c)Construction supervision. d)Awareness training for the AIS/D staff and students for successful operation of the plant. e)Hands on training for the in house plant operators. f) Monitoring of green house gas emission reduction […]

Pilot Project to Create a Scalable Model to Responsibly Manage Solid Waste and Expand Recycling in Argentina and Indonesia

Client, USA   Description of work:     Assist McKinsey, USA to establish a sustainable solution for source segregation of waste, collection and transportation of segregated waste along with promotion of composting & recycling of waste.   Activities performed: As a member of the global design team, responsible for designing the solution and guiding […]

Study of Potential of Waste Recycling, Composting in the city of Jessore, Bangladesh.

Client: UNIDO & UNDP              Description of work: Assessed the volume of rubbish collected and collectable by the Municipality of Jessore and convertible into compost & dry fertilizer; Studied the state of art of waste composting in Dhaka; Obtained from Jessore the basic statistics on current rubbish disposal practices & volumes; and Prepared a brief pre- […]