Environmental Plan for Tabani Beverage Company Limited
Client: Coca Cola, South Asia Description of work: Waste Water: Collection of Waste Water Flow data for identification of EPIs Hazardous Waste: Collection of data regarding sludge generation as well as non hazardous waste generation; Development of sludge disposal system; Development of septic tank cleaning system using vaccu-tag and proper disposal of […]
Desk Study for Organic Waste Management Project in South Asia
Client ADB Description of work: The desk study investigated options for management of organic wastes in South Asia. Activities performed: Prepared a technical report on organic waste management for South Asian cities, comprising identification of appropriate waste management options given the specific regional and local contexts of each South Asian country. […]
Assessment of Green Jobs in Bangladesh
Client: ILO Description of work: Detailed assessment of Green Jobs in three sectors, i.e., waste management, renewable energy and construction to identify intervention points of promoting green jobs Location: Bangladesh Period: May 2009 to December 2010
TA 9781 REG: Developing South Asian Livable Cities Facility
Client Asian Development Bank (ADB). Description of work: The duties and responsibilities being performed are as follows: i) Prepare solid waste management and faecal sludge feasibility study for Bagerhat municipality and preliminary engineering designs incorporating climate resilience and mitigation; ii)Identify, assess, and evaluate interventions (both hard and soft) stemming from climate-resilient integrated solid […]
Study of Feasibility and Preparation of Designs for a Pilot Fecal Sludge Management System in Chattogram City
Client The World Bank Description of work: The duties and responsibilities performed are as follows: (1) Conducted a field assessment, including interviews of key stakeholders in Chattogram Metro, selected households, CWASA and City Corporation staff to identify the pilot study area; (2) Collected quantitative and qualitative data on FSM in the selected study area, with […]
Integrated Urban Water Management at the Centre of Municipal Public Services in Bangladesh
Client Bremen Overseas Research and Development Association (BORDA) Description of work: The project was conceived and formulated by BORDA with funding from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The focus of this project is on promoting integrated and decentralized water and sanitation solutions for small municipalities in the South […]
Managerial Training Program on Integrated Resource Recovery Center (IRRC) Organized for the participants from South Asia and South East Asian Countries
23-26 November 2014