
Consultancy Services for Sanitation and Solid Waste Management under the DDS Consultant, Coastal Towns Environmental Infrastructure Project (CTEIP)

Client    LGED/ADB


Description of work:  


Identify the most appropriate intervention on sanitation, wastewater management and solid waste management for the CTEIP project; develop a detailed engineering design and estimate of the most appropriate interventions for sanitation, solid waste management and wastewater treatment, and preparation of a contract document for the involvement of the private sector for O&M of the appropriate intervention.


Activities performed: i) finalize sub-projects for implementation (integrated sanitation, wastewater and solid waste management facility at the landfill site), ii) preparation of detailed Engineering Design Reports, inclusive of preparation of the specifications, cost estimate, drawings and bill of quantities iii) supporting the DDS Consultants on preparation of bidding documents, DDR and IEE/EIA reports for the selected interventions for implementation.


Location:     Bangladesh


Period:      June 2016 to February 2017