
Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) Report for CDM Based Compost Project located at Roopganj, Bulta, Dhaka

Client: WWR Bio Fertilizer Bangladesh Ltd., a Dutch-Bangladesh Joint Venture company


Description of work:  The CDM based 700 ton/day capacity compost project aims at establishment of a number of composting plants near the capital city of Dhaka in the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh. The current IEE deals with the first stage of the first composting plant with a capacity of maximum 130 ton/day. Here compost will be produced from the organic component of municipal waste collected mainly from vegetable markets of Dhaka city. This project has been approved by the National CDM Committee and CDM Board of the Government of Bangladesh and already registered with as a CDM project with the UNFCCC.  A number of tasks carried out during this examination.


Tasks Under the Project: A number of activities were carried out during the study, such as:

Screening was done, existing environmental conditions (land-use, water quality, noise, climatic condition, terrestrial flora and fauna, aquatic flora and fauna, traffic volume) determined, identification and evaluation of potential impacts, disaster management plan and monitoring scheme has been developed.


Location: Roopganj, Bulta, Dhaka, Bangladesh


Period: June 2007 to July 2007