
Meeting of Partners for Pro-Poor and Sustainable Solid Waste Management Project for Secondary Cities and Small Towns in Asia

January 24-26, 2011
Chiang Rai, Thailand

From the 24th to the 26th of January, 2011, the meeting of project partners for ESCAP’S and Waste Concern’s “Pro-Poor and Sustainable Solid Waste Management Project for Secondary Cities and Small Towns in Asia” took place in Le Meredien, Chiang Rai, Thailand.  Participants included officials from ESCAP from Thailand, Waste Concern from Bangladesh, ENDA from Vietnam, SEVANATHA from Sri Lanka, CSARO from Cambodia and GIZ from Thailand.

The main purpose of the meeting of national and technical partners was, apart from sharing progress with IRRCs (Integrated Resource Recovery Centers) and lessons learned, to move from grants to carbon financing and to make IRRCs as a profitable business.

January 24, 2011:  Partners shared challenges and perceived advantages of their existing IRRCs supported by UNESCAP with the technical support from Waste Concern.  Mr. Iftekhar Enayetullah of Waste Concern presented on the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM).  After lunch, Mr. Torsten Frische presented on programmatic CDM.  Each presentation was followed by questions from participants which helped clarify and/or establish perceived needs.  The final presentation of the day was the introduction of an innovative new financing concept, the Waste to Resource Fund (W2R Fund), by Mr. Iftekhar Enayetullah of Waste Concern.

January 25, 2011: Barrister Imtiaz Farooq, lawyer consultant of the project, clarified the legal framework and financing options of the Fund.  Partners asked questions about the possible institutional arrangements in their countries and in order to answer these properly, Mr. Iftekhar Enayetullah and Mr. A. H. Md. Maqsood Sinha from Waste Concern prepared a new presentation on four management models for implementing CDM projects through the fund. During the presentation of the models, partners asked questions about implementation in their cities. At the end of the workshop partners were given guidelines to discuss action plans and ideas for implementation of the fund with their organization members.

January 26, 2011:  Partners presented their ideas, questions and possible training needs, were they to apply the Fund in their countries.  Then, Mr. Iftekhar Enayetullah presented on How to Write a PDD and link the PDD, baseline and business plan.   Finally, the way forward and next steps for the participants were discussed.  It was decided that a website would be created for better data sharing, that Barrister Imtiaz Farooq would follow-up on institutional arrangement questions from partners, that Waste Concern would create a checklist of missing data based on the baseline and business plans submitted by partners and prepare for further training sessions based on the training and capacity-building needs partners’ mentioned in the workshop.  Moreover, it was agreed that partners would increase communication by creating a website for regional knowledge sharing, and, begin negotiations with relevant stakeholders, complete and initiate new baselines, as well as consider further training needs.