
Pilot Projects on Solid Waste Management of Environmental Sanitation, Hygiene and Water Supply in Urban Slums and Fringes

Client    DPHE / UNICEF


Description of work:  


The project included capacity building on waste management, baseline survey, and research on waste generation rates in 14 municipalities.


Activities performed: Carried out a baseline survey on waste generation in 14 municipalities. Developed training manual on community mobilization on solid waste management. Imparted training to local NGOs and municipal staff on proper disposal of solid waste, recycling, and involvement of informal sector on waste management. Supervised on-the-job training of local GO/NGO staff on community mobilization for proper solid waste management. Prepared engineering design of community-based solid waste recycling and composting plant for 14 municipalities. Prepared engineering design of composting toilet, rainwater collection, and wastewater recycling system and ecological toilets for the composting plants. Promoted marketing of compost. Monitored performance of composting units.


Location:     Bangladesh


Period:      2002 to 2004