
Preparation of Sanitation Master Plan for Eight Towns in Bangladesh

Client:  Asian Development Bank (ADB), Philippines 


Description of work:  

Action Plans for sanitation to build upon detailed identification and evaluation options undertaken during review and strategic planning stages and requirements of the agreed strategy are to include but not be limited to:


  • Institutional strengthening Action Program addressing responsibilities and arrangements for all bodies involved in sanitation, private sector involvement, detailed capacity building requirements, arrangements for licensing etc.
  • Evaluate legal and regulatory requirements at various Government levels;
  • Economic assessment of alternative strategies, indicative investment plan, indicative recurrent funding plan, sources and uses of funds (cash flow analysis during implementation and initial years of operation), proposals for physical and financial indicators to measure performances during and after strategy implementation.
  • Propose detailed program for public awareness and education program and implementation schedule, where the main objectives are to inform the public of hygienic sanitation methods and requirements, gain public support for initiatives and improve sanitation profile.


Location:  Bangladesh


No. of person-months provided by Waste Concern: 4 man-months


Period: November 2004 – March 2005