
Pro-poor and Sustainable Solid Waste Management in Secondary Cities and Small Towns

Client    UN-ESCAP


Description of work:  


Provide advice and technical inputs to the implementation of pilot waste-to-energy projects in Indonesia, and the completion of Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMA) studies in Viet Nam and Sri Lanka.


Activities performed: In order to review and advise on project implementation arrangements, joined a technical assessment mission to the cities of Jambi and Malang Regency; prepared detailed designs of the waste-to-energy plant, including equipment requirements; reviewed designs adapted to local characteristics, and provided technical advice to local engineers. Supported the preparation and finalization of NAMA design studies for the waste sector in Sri Lanka (including feedback to the NAMA–design study prepared for Sri Lanka), especially in the application of the first order decay model (FOD model).


Location:     Indonesia and Sri Lanka


Period:      Mar 2016 to Jul 2016