Client (DoE)/GoB
Description of work:
Design and implementation of a Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) project based on waste composting and recycling in 64 districts of Bangladesh. Phase 1 of the project covers the areas of Narayanganj, Rangpur, Mymensingh and Cox’s Bazar Municipalities. The projects aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by having an improved waste recycling system.
Activities performed: Provide technical advice to the DoE to prepare the Program of Activities (PoA) and CPA for programmatic CDM project for 64 districts of Bangladesh. Responsible for preparation of design as well as cost estimate of compost plants, waste collection system, biogas plants, and transfer stations. Preparation of Public-Private Partnership (PPP) documents. Preparation of Initial Environmental Examination (IEE)/Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) reports for compost plants/landfills under the project. Capacity building of municipal officials during implementation of the project.
Location: Bangladesh
Period: 2011 to Present