

Waste Concern has been imparting training to a range of target groups with a specific focus towards source separation of waste, integrated resource recovery centers (IRRCs),  composting, waste to energy, refuse derived fuel, landfill  management,  business plan development, carbon trading, faecal sludge management, operation and maintenance of IRRCs  and decentralized waste water treatment.

We have developed 6 (six) training modules on aforesaid topics. These training modules have been used for trainings organized by Waste Concern in Dhaka as well as in other cities of Bangladesh and in South and South East Asia.  The training modules are targeted to municipal and other local government officials, policy makers and private sector NGO and CBOs.

Waste Concern professionals are also engaged as guest lecturers and resource persons for training programs/workshops on solid waste management, recycling, composting, clinical waste management, faecal sludge management, sanitation, waste to energy, business plan development., urban environmental management, municipal infrastructure planning, resource efficiency, circular economy, sustainable development, and environmental impact assessment. The trainees are drawn from officials/staffs of municipalities, government and non-governmental organizations.